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Reproduced with permission of the author. Charles Marcus is an international motivational speaker. For more information on Charles, please visit his website at Copyright 2007-2011. All rights worldwide reserved.

Each newsletter includes feature articles, recommended reading, quotes and other valuable information.

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Volume 2: Number 4: July – August 2002

Sometimes I think we may feel that we have to do the big things in life to stand out from the crowd, to make a difference, but in my experience I have found that it is the little things that we do on a consistent basis that are usually the most powerful. I would like to share with you 8 ways that I have found help you stand out from the crowd. Some are based on my own personal and professional experience, and some I have observed in other people who I admire and respect. Make your own list, compare, but the main point of the exercise is to integrate the points in to your daily life and the key to its success is by implementing them.