Have you ever asked yourself “what if”? or said to yourself “I should have, could have, would have”? Have you ever lamented “if only the time would have been right”, or “if only they had played fair”? Too many people postpone greatness. They do not realize the power they have or take advantage of the opportunities that abound. Success, in whatever it is you want to achieve, comes from a state of mind that believes you can achieve what is in your heart. Do not be intimidated by the initial gap between your dreams or your ultimate goal and where you are now. If you can dream it or visualize it, you can achieve it. Just don’t let yourself get caught in the “what if”.
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For more information on Charles books and products, please contact Julie@cmarcus.com for more information.
Reproduced with permission of the author. Charles Marcus is an international motivational speaker. For more information on Charles, please visit his website at www.cmarcus.com. Copyright 2007-2011. All rights worldwide reserved.
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