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Reproduced with permission of the author. Charles Marcus is an international motivational speaker. For more information on Charles, please visit his website at Copyright 2007-2011. All rights worldwide reserved.

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Vol 8, Num 5 May 2008

I recently stayed in a very large hotel, one of the more established, recognized and successful chains in the world. Not unusual for me to stay in a hotel, as I am on the road so much, but my observations from my stay there I thought were worthy of this months newsletter.
Checking in this hotel was excellent, very efficient. The staff was courteous, the room was great, and featured all the bells and whistles. I switched on the TV in the room and before you could click on the channels there was an infomercial for the hotel expressing “extraordinary” service from the concierge at the hotel, no request would be too much trouble. In fact they over dramatized this on their infomercial showing how their staff would go beyond the call of duty to satisfy a guests needs and request.