My two kids, 6 and 8 recently were asked to help in a fundraiser for their respective schools. It involved selling magazine subscriptions. This project involved going door to door in the neighborhood where they live. This is not an easy gig, even for the most seasoned of sales people. But off they went, knocking on door to door with a big smile on their faces each time eager to share what they were offering and why, regularly facing the “no thank you,” or “not right now.” or “bad timing” Instead of cowering from one rejection after the other, they courageously went on to the next door. In fact, I don’t think the “no’s” fazed them one little bit.
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Reproduced with permission of the author. Charles Marcus is an international motivational speaker. For more information on Charles, please visit his website at Copyright 2007-2011. All rights worldwide reserved.
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