We all know it takes more to get a new client than to keep an existing one, but today it takes a lot to win…more
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For more information on Charles books and products, please contact Julie@cmarcus.com for more information.
Reproduced with permission of the author. Charles Marcus is an international motivational speaker. For more information on Charles, please visit his website at www.cmarcus.com. Copyright 2007-2011. All rights worldwide reserved.
Each newsletter includes feature articles, recommended reading, quotes and other valuable information.
Click the links below to read a full length newsletter.
The Nine Definitive Laws of Customer Service Excellence
How to Motivate, Lead and Retain Your Team
A talent shortage within the manufacturing sector is looming. When you combine growth forecasts within the sector with retirement statistics, it is predicted that annual…more
Ten Business Rules for the New Economy
The rules for business have changed. The organisations, Re-energized is the idea of having a mission and vision statement; entrepreneurs, and sales people who adapt…more
Welcome to my new blog and updated website, looking forward to sharing information with you all and to recieving your feedback and comments. My thoughts…more
11 Ways to be the Best You Can Be
Wisdom dictates that taking time to reflect on past triumphs and celebrating success fuels future success. But in order to grow and develop both personally and professionally, you also have to look back at and acknowledge the things that challenged you, the things that did not go so well.
8 Ways to Stand Out From the Crowd
Sometimes I think we may feel that we have to do the big things in life to stand out from the crowd, to make a difference, but in my experience I have found that it is the little things that we do on a consistent basis that are usually the most powerful. I would like to share with you 8 ways that I have found help you stand out from the crowd. Some are based on my own personal and professional experience, and some I have observed in other people who I admire and respect. Make your own list, compare, but the main point of the exercise is to integrate the points in to your daily life and the key to its success is by implementing them.
Six Characteristics for Achieving Peak Performance
Peak Performance is a commitment to your physical/mental/spiritual being and to your personal growth and development at all times. Peak performance, in my opinion it is not something you can switch on and off; it is what you commit to and strive for always. It is not just about business and achieving goals. It is also about balance between work and family, friends and fitness. Finding the right combination for each of us is personal, but I will share with you 6 Characteristics that have worked for me along the way.
Six Rules for Business Success
I have had the unique opportunity over the years to work with and/or study some of the smartest and most successful business people spanning many industries. I have been able to apply and practice this learning in my own business and sales success. Based on this experience I have deduced that these six rules, or powerful P’s, are truly the building blocks for success.
6 Successful Habits to Increase Productivity and Your Client Base
Have a plan of action: Real success is based on truly identifying your target markets, your ideal client base. Prepare a list of your 20 top clients and your 20 top prospects, and never let more than 30 days go by without being in touch with them.
Ask your clients for referrals. Who else do they know who might benefit from what you have to offer? Plan every single day to maximize productivity.
The 6 Definitive Laws of Customer Service Excellence
Today, it takes a lot to win the heart, mind and loyalty of your customer. You have to build trust, nurture the win-win relationship, and your entire focus needs to be on making your customers feel so important and special that they would not want to go anywhere else; then, and only then, will they go beyond just wanting your product or service to recommending you to others as well.